Santiago García

Santiago García

Santiago García (Madrid, 1968) has been making comics for more than 15 years in collaboration with various artists. He has published El vecion: Origen, and El vecino: Historias, with Pepo Pérez; La tempestad, Héroes del espacio, and El fin del mundo, with Javier Peinado; Beowulf, with David Rubín; Tengo hambre with Manel Fontdevila; Fútbol: La novela gráfica, with Pablo Ríos; El extraño caso del Doctor Jekyll y Míster Hyde, Las meninas, La cólera, and La guerra de los mundos, with Javier Olivares. Las meninas won the award for Best Spanish work of the year at the Salón del Cómic in Barcelona and the National Comic Prize in 2015, and was nominated for the Eisner Award in 2018 for the best American edition of international material when it was published by Fantagraphics as The Ladies-in-Waiting. Beowulf, published in the United States by Image, was also nominated for an Eisner Award as Best Adaptation from Another Medium in 2018. García is also the author of the graphic novel Yuna, in collaboration with Juaco Vizuete, of Museomaquia, with illustrations by David Sánchez, and of the ¡García! saga, which he created together with Luis Bustos, of which five volumes have been published. In addition, Santiago García has edited an anthology of comics, Panorama: La novela gráfica española hoy, published in the US by Fantagraphics under the title Spanish Fever, which received a nomination for Best Anthology at the 2017 Eisner Awards, and another for Outstanding Anthology at the 2017 Ignatz Awards. He has also edited a compilation of essays by various authors: Súpercomic: Mutaciones de la novela gráfica contemporánea, and he has written a volume about his favorite works on this medium: Cómics sensacionales. His academic essay La novela gráfica has been translated in Brazil and the United States (United Press of Mississippi), and earned him the prize for best writing on comics at the Salón del Cómic in Barcelona in 2011.

El vecino has been adapted as a television series for Netflix, and ¡Garcia! has been adapted for HBO Max.